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Helm learning notes


Why deploy k8s using Helm


  • Your app -> hard-code yaml (deployment/service/ingress) -> Kubectl -> AKS => Use Helm to simplify the application deployment process and avoid hardcoded deployment variables and settings. => Repeatable, reliable, manageable, resuable across mutil teams and env


  • Your app -> Helm chart -> AKS

Helm components:

  • Client: is where helm was installed and responsible for creating and submitting the manifest files required to deploy aks application. (Communicate between user and k8s cluster)
  • Charts: file to describe how the application deployed (chart/value/template)
  • Releases: The application or a group of application deployed using Chart
  • Repositories: discoverability and reusability of helm pacakges


If 2 component depends on each other, try to use 1 chart and set the dependency If 2 component are independent, create 1 chart for each component (Easier for bugfix and upgrade)


Create your own chart
helm create <name> (Will create chart file template)

Work with repos

Helm repo cli
helm repo add azure-marketplace https://marketplace.azurecr.io/helm/v1/repo
helm repo update
helm repo list
helm search repo <?partialname>

To install a chart (This similar to kubectl apply command)

Run helm install to install a chart from:

  • Chart folder: helm install <release-name> ./drone-webapp
  • A packaged .tgz tar archive chart: helm install <release-name> ./drone-webapp.tgz
  • A Helm repository: helm install <release-name> azure-marketplace/aspnet-core
Debuging cli
helm install --debug --dry-run <release-name> ./drone-webapp

Lets install aspnet

Step to release using helm
az aks get-credentials -g learn-helm-deploy-aks-rg -n learn-helm-deploy-aks
# To release
helm install <release-name> azure-marketplace/aspnet-core
# To query all the installed release on the cluster
helm list
helm get manifest <release-name> (To get manifest file of a release, optional --revision)
helm delete <release-name> (To delete a realease)
# Install with set values
helm install --set replicaCount=5 <release-name> azure-marketplace/aspnet-core
# Upgrade a release
helm upgrade <release-name> ./app-chart (This bassically create new revision)
helm history <release-name>
helm rollback <release-name> <revision-id> (Run helm history to check first)

Write a custom chart or extends it

Template and function

To display the value as a string, you use {{ quote .Values.ingress.enabled }} or {{ .Values.ingress.enabled | quote }} Chaning mutiple function: {{ .Values.ingress.enabled | upper | quote }} Helm chart template support ~60 built-in function


{{- if | pipeline | -}}
  # Do something
{{- else if | other pipeline | -}}
  # Do something else
{{- else -}}
  # Default case
{{- end }}


  enabled: true
    - name: host1.local
      path: /
    - name: host2.local
      path: /
    - name: host3.local
      path: /
apiVersion: extensions/v1
kind: Ingress
    {{- range .Values.ingress.extraHosts }}
    - host: {{ .name }}
          - path: {{ .path }}
    {{- end }}